All of the activities below are within 45 minutes of the inn. If you are of a sporting nature, go for it! But don’t forget to relax, too.
Catch a Canoe & Bicycles, Too! — 1 mile south. Bike rentals, river canoes and kayaks.
Kayak Mendocino — 2 miles south. White water ocean kayaking from Van Damme State Park.
Little River Golf & Tennis — 2 miles south at Little River Inn.
North Coast Fishing Adventures — 15 minutes north at Noyo Harbor. Charter boats for ocean fishing whale watching.
All Aboard Adventures — 15 minutes north at Noyo Harbor. Charter boats for ocean fishing whale watching.
Ross Ranch — 40 minutes south near Elk. Guided horseback riding on the beach.
Ricochet Ridge Ranch — 35 minutes north. Guided horseback riding on the beach.